November 28, 2011

Miyavi's Mahem on Halloween Night

If there's one artist everyone should see in the flesh, it's Miyavi.  He's truly a one-man-show (well, him and Bobbo, his drummer and partner in crime!) and to see him and his mastery of the guitar is awe inspiring to say the least.  Before last year's tour (his first in the US) I could say I was a casual listener and liked his music at best.  After seeing him live, I was a bonna fide, #1 fan.  "What's My Name?" is such a strong release that new listeners can easily get hooked on his powerful guitar work.  Just remember, in most cases, what you're hearing is the work of 2 people at most.  Enough said.

So upon his return on Halloween Night, how could I resist such a show?  Miyavi doesn't just play guitar, he controls it and plays behind his back, on the ground, and all around, as if it's more an appendage than an instrument.  He played a fantastic show with a lot of old hits, some new ones, and finished it all off with Futuristic Love, promoting love and peace all around the world.

And since it was Halloween, Miyavi and his crew hit up a Ricky's and got all decked out (as a proper Spanish vampire) for his performance of Senor, Senora, Senorita during the encore!  A perfect end to a perfect show.

 Curious about Miyavi?  Check him out on iTunes!  I recommend "What's My Name?", "Miyavi-Miyavizm-Shugi", and the "Survive" music video.

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