January 27, 2010

Chanel Love

So apparently, this is the Chanel color that launched for fall, and there are waiting lists for it now? Interesting. For anything, go Chanel for bringing black back for nail color. They have power, so I think we'll be seeing this around. It's my favorite. Of course it all ties into the whole "goth" trend that's been in and out for about a year now, but still...
If I had money....for now, my CVS version suits me just fine.

On that note, Chanel has been surprising me since last year when they had their very visual kei-type adverts. Something about the overall mood, the lace combos, and the jewels shown here just made me stop flipping the pages of Vogue (or related mags) and stare for a minute.
I love Chanel, especially their new collection they're showing now for couture, cause how can you not love the best craftsmanship and the art of clothes? Seeing it spurred this post, which is something I've had on my mind since last year when these were first showing.
To further this point, these are the two pics (at left) that made me really stop and look. At the right is Uruha (the GazettE) from LEECH PV, which came out around the same time in 2008. Lots of glimmer, layers, and lacy armbands. It just fits. So although it's old (by fashion standards), the point is still apt.
Also love those black and white tights from a year ago as well. Nothing's so simple but makes such a bold statement!

January 26, 2010

Not such a Dim Scene

So, for my second post, I’m on a roll with the GazettE. (Which I will have to try hard NOT to focus solely on them…) and want to highlight what they’re wearing on DIM SCENE, Tour Final at Saitama Super Arena. Every new concert video they release, I can’t wait to see what they wear. It’s what made me love HYENA outfits so much, after getting Decomposition Beauty. This one came out in December, so it’s not that old, but they’ve had Before I Decay PV since then. (Ruki SEQUINS!!! I could totally build that outfit at H&M, right now.)
Anyway, this is the first time they’re all basically in black suits of some kind. (Ok, since Chizuru PV maybe.) Distress and Coma was like that but with the usual visual kei flair of more color and pattern and exaggeration. But these (basically clothes they wore in The Invisible Wall PV) are pretty basic. Still, I think it speaks to their image of where the band is going, and it’s strong and unified.

Ruki, he’s not blonde anymore!!! But at least he’s found a good way to friz out his hair…LEECH hair was only ok. I like his look, almost reminds me of Silly God Disco when they’re all waiters!

Uruha, can anyone’s hair get more perfect? After a whole concert of head banging and I’m sure not a single knot on his head, bless him. In his suit, he looks so well put together! And his red pants are pretty cool too.
I really like the little vest he wears in the Encore too, because it’s sparkly!

Aoi’s all deconstructed again! I feel like he did a lot of this in earlier PVs, so now he’s adding it in again. Sort of RCE with a twist. And his jackets got some cool feathering texture!

Reita, ah, noseband reita.

Kai, he only has the COOLEST hair!!! It looks so cool on him! At first it took me by surprise, now I know it’ll be sad when it’s gone. (Like Ruki’s Regret dreds.)

On another note, I absolutely love Ruki’s encore look. I usually like his encore ensembles more than what he wore during the main concert. In Decomposition Beauty, it was this leopard print jacket. (You KNOW this is staying in style for awhile…how many years has it been now that animal print has stayed pretty big?)

Then there’s this from Repeated Countless Error, which I call his Uniqlo ensemble, because it just reminds me of comfy basics.

And he gets even more comfortable this time at Saitama Arena, with his flannel plaid shirt look. I swear he went right to bed after the concert wearing this. And I do love the glasses he has on during Ruder; so sad he took them off ^o^

Next time, I will also work more on formatting X_X

January 20, 2010

First Blogness- Sequins

So, first post! Keeping it simple. This is a blog for what it says above. Fashion, life, and visual kei, and how they're all seemlessly connected. Well, mostly fashion and visual kei, that's the real focus.

Just to say that fashion trends and visual kei collide more often than not. This is a place that posts reports on such times. The argument that music and fashion go together is supported by these and other facts we see in the world.

Observation #1 (and the one that inspired this blog to get started)- SEQUINS. Yeah, they're everywhere, from Macy's to Ruki in Before I Decay PV by the GazettE. (Left) I still can't get enough of it OR Damashi. But, the clothes. Observe. (the Jacket at right is Diane Von Furstenberg)

Visual Kei News: Versailles Philharmonic Quintet's new CD, Jubilee, came out today in Japan. Yay! A lot of their older music (up until Prince and Princess, anyway) is on Itunes. Check it out.