March 7, 2010

Sweet Treats and Dark Dreams

Nothing makes my heart flutter like the juxtaposition of sweet and frothy princess frocks and the dark ambiance of a streetwise aristocrat. Such a sight is normal for the street-smart locals and tourists hunting in Harajuku, but in NYC? (And not during con season!) Other than planned Lolita gatherings (there is a NY Lolita Society, if you're interested,) this much j-fashion in one spot is pretty rare. So I went into panic attacks of happiness when I cound out about Tokyo Fashion Festa, and was blessed with the ability to attend.
These looks from Baby, the Stars Shine Bright, Victorian Maiden, and others are what the mind typically jumps to when thinking of Lolita fashion. New to me was a "woodland fairy" style, which strays from the pink and pastel color palette to one of pale neutrals and a very Little House on the Prarie look, but still cute, and much more wearable for an easy summer look than your typical Sweet Lolita style.
This cake hat was one of the cutest things I saw that night. Who can resist??!!
Misako Aoki, famous Lolita, walking out with kids at the first break of the fashion segment. So Cute! And I really want the sequined bag!
The Gothic Lolita, more looks, and some AMAZING ones from Black Peace Now and Alice and the Pirates. HEAVEN. For the visual kei fan, this is a kind of grail in fashion. Also some Madam Killer, which I feel everyone could wear and look effortlessly cool.
Even more so a grail though, is these kimonos from the Hide part of the show. After showing various videos, mostly of H.Naoto and Hangry and Angry, came these during some of his music videos. OMG. OMG. OMG. Heart palpitations.
At the end, got to take pictures of VY, this band that did the music and wore all H.Naoto. (Misako Aoki is in the middle of them.) Beautiful music that complemented the fashion as they came down the runway. So awesome!!! I will never forget this.

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